Step Two:
Register for an audition slot AT OUR WEST CHESTER LOCATION (19 Hagerty Blvd, 19382) here.
About This Production
We are so excited to *finally* produce Sweeney Todd and with a live orchestra at our West Chester theatre location, which enables us to bring the story to life in a special way. This production will involve intense physical stage combat, intimacy, and gore. We would appreciate any aversions to any of this listed on your audition form. Additionally, we will only be casting adults (age 18+ as of March 2, 2025). Lastly, we will be casting a "choir" of singers to be part of the show onstage in addition to the actual cast of characters & ensemble. See? Super exciting. :)
Audition Dates
​​​Initial auditions will take place AT OUR WEST CHESTER LOCATION (19 Hagerty Blvd, 19382) in person via time slots (register above) on the evenings of Feb 16 & 18, 2025. If you are ONLY interested in being part of the onstage choir OR if you absolutely cannot make an in-person time slot for the actual cast on either evening (which is much preferred), video submissions will be accepted, emailed to by Feb 15. Please put "Sweeney Todd Audition" in the subject of the email. Callbacks will take place if necessary and by invitation-only on the evening of Feb 27.
Performance Dates
Sweeney Todd performances will take place on the weekends of May 30 - June 15, 2025. All performances will take place at SALT's West Chester location (19 Hagerty Blvd, West Chester, PA 19382).
Rehearsals will typically take place on Sunday, Tuesday, and Thursday evenings. A full production schedule can be found here. Please indicate all conflicts with this schedule on your audition form.
Please note that any conflicts with tech rehearsals or performances will not be accepted.
Audition Format
If you would like to be considered for any of the following characters, please prepare the below requested material associated with that character. If a song title leads to a hyperlink, please click that link to access the sheet music associated with that cut. We will have the indicated sheet music for our accompanist at auditions. If you are choosing any of your own songs, please bring that sheet music with cuts clearly marked.
1. “Johanna” (mm.1 - End)
2. A 32-Bar cut of your choosing from the following genres: classic broadway, art song, or operatic arias.
Sweeney Todd
1. “Epiphany” (mm.45 - End)
2. “My Friends” (mm.3 - 36)
Beggar Woman
Two 32-Bar cuts of your choosing from the following genres: classic broadway, art song, or operatic aria, one selection should be uptempo in nature and should not be a patter song.
Mrs. Lovett
1. “Worst Pies in London” (mm.1 - 37)
2. “Wait” (mm.45 - End)
Judge Turpin
1. “Johanna (Judge Turpin)” (mm.112-End)
2. A 32-Bar cut of your choosing from the following genres: classic broadway, art song, or operatic arias.
The Beadle
1. “Kiss Me Part 2” (mm.16-End)
2. A 32-Bar cut of your choosing from the following genres: classic broadway, art song, or operatic arias.
1. “Green Finch and Linnet Bird” (mm.37 - End)
2. “Kiss Me Part 2” (mm.1-29)
Tobias Ragg
1. “Pirelli’s Miracle Elixir” (mm.39 - 56)
2. “Not While I’m Around” (mm.1 - 36)
1. “The Contest” (mm.46 - End)
2. A 32-Bar cut of your choosing from the following genres: classic broadway, art song, or operatic arias.
Ensemble/On-Stage Choir
Two 32-Bar cuts of your choosing from the following genres: classic broadway, art song, or operatic aria, one selection should be uptempo in nature and should not be a patter song.
This is a community theatre production performed on a volunteer basis.
All roles are open and SALT encourages all performers to submit for any role regardless of type, gender, ability, race, ethnicity, sexuality, neurodiversity, and similarity to the source material or original Broadway cast.
We are seeking to cast:
Sweeney Todd
A wrongfully imprisoned barber seeking to right the wrongs committed against him. He is Johanna's father, singularly focused on taking bloody revenge. Our story's tormented protagonist.
Stage Age: 40 to 55
Vocal range top: Gb4
Vocal range bottom: F2
Mrs. Lovett
An entrepreneurial and amoral meat pie shop owner. She falls in love with Todd and turns his desire for revenge into a profitable business venture.
Stage Age: 35 to 50
Vocal range top: E5
Vocal range bottom: G3
Anthony Hope
A naive and youthful sailor returning to London. He helps Todd return to London and unexpectedly falls in love with Johanna.
Stage Age: 20 to 30
Vocal range top: F4
Vocal range bottom: Bb2
A spritely girl, full of innocence, constantly yearning for freedom. Todd's long-lost daughter and Turpin's ward.
Stage Age: 18 to 21
Vocal range top: A5
Vocal range bottom: Bb3
Tobias Ragg
A poor youngster apprenticed to Pirelli. He finds a surrogate family in Todd and Lovett.
Stage Age: 12 to 18 (seeking adult actor who reads as a teenager onstage)
Vocal range top: Ab4
Vocal range bottom: Bb2
Judge Turpin
A lecherous public official who portrays himself as a sanctimonious authoritarian. He takes advantage of his position in the city and is responsible for imprisoning Todd.
Stage Age: 45 to 65
Vocal range top: Gb4
Vocal range bottom: E2
The Beadle
A pompous public official. He is deeply loyal to the corrupt Turpin.
Stage Age: 40 to 55
Vocal range top: D5
Vocal range bottom: D3
Beggar Woman
A deranged and schizophrenic woman who harbors a dark, surprising secret.
Stage Age: 35 to 50
Vocal range top: F5
Vocal range bottom: Ab3
Adolfo Pirelli
A flamboyant Italian rival barber; a charlatan with a secret past.
Stage Age: 30 to 45
Vocal range top: C5
Vocal range bottom: B2
Jonas Fogg
The owner of Fogg's Asylum. He sells the hair of madmen to wigmakers.
Stage Age: 35 to 60
Townspeople; Policemen; Lunatics